Politically Correct Thinking Is Now A Confirmed Mental Illness: Part 2

Hey there boys-n-girls, I’ve got a joke for you.

What do you get when you cross a Mexican with an octopus?

“Uh…I dunno.  What?”

I don’t know either, but I bet it sure is good at picking lettuce.


So.  Are you offended?

Now take a look at this short video.

How about now?

I know the audio isn’t very good, so I’ll explain to you what’s going on here.

That video is a recording of democratic California congresswoman Loretta Sanchez being interviewed on a liberal radio show, talking about her experiences meeting members of the Tea Party.  She’s using a southern accent to represent, well, apparently all of them.

Here’s a transcript of what she said:

Sanchez: “Hey, what’s your name?”

Tea Party member: “My name is M-O-E.”

Sanchez: “Ok Moe. Moe-ster.  How you doing baby?  What are we going to do today?  What’s your interest?  What can we work on together?”

Tea Party member: “Well, it’s unconstitutional.”

Courtesy of Hillbilly Chic.

So not only are all Tea Party members southern, but I guess they’re stupid too, because all they can say, according to Sanchez, is that everything is unconstitutional.  If I were Sanchez, I’d bet they all have stills in their backyards and bring gallons of that “white lightnin” to every one of their get-togethers.

Out in the sticks, of course.  With a few banjos and some corn-cob pipes.

Now are you offended?

Well, according to society, no matter what has been said or done, if you’re a Caucasian, you shouldn’t be.

Let me rephrase that.  You’re not allowed to be.  You should just take it as a joke.

So let’s turn the tables for a minute.

What if, say, Mitt Romney had told that Mexican joke I mentioned above at a campaign function?

“Oh no he di-int!”

That’s right ladies and gentlemen, it would be ‘Hands Across America’.  Every Latino worth his salt would be out the next day, protesting at his state legislature.  And it would make national news.

Heck, ol’ Mitt would probably earn himself a visit from the ACLU.

But what about Sanchez?  What’s going on with that?

Since I’m guessing that this post is the first you’ve heard of the story, not much.

Hmmm.  Seems like I’ve mentioned this type of politically correct behavior before.

This is how political correctness tears society apart.  There’s one set of rules for one group, and another set for others.  With both sides being at odds all the time, somebody is going to feel neglected and put-upon when all is said and done.

Politically correct behavior is insane.  We’re like a bunch of little kids, getting mad at other kids for calling us names.  Like we’re five years old or something.

“Mooooom.  Jimmy called me a dog-faced booger eater.”

You know what my mom would have said? 

“Call him one back.”

I would have, and we would have left it at that.

America, we won’t make it as a nation divided.  It’s impossible.  So let’s put aside these petty differences and focus on the important things in life.  God, family, and country.

For God’s sake, whatever happened to the old “Sticks and Stones” mantra??

If you walk away from this post having learned nothing else, please take this saying to heart:

A house divided will not stand.”

I wonder who said that?

Islamophobia: The Video. The Truth.

I’m usually not one to write short posts, but I think this video says more than I ever could about how politically correct people in America view the religion of Islam.  Please be sure to watch the entire video, as it changes drastically at about the halfway mark, and that’s where the truth really starts to shine through.

Thanks to the folks over at Answering Muslims for turning me on to this video.

Note:  If you didn’t catch it, the “preacher” is preaching from the Qu’ran, but using the passages as if they were from the Bible.

Please let me know if you enjoyed this video.  Or even if you hated it.  Thanks in advance!