Osama bin Laden’s Last Will And Testament

With all this idiotic talk and politically correct rhetoric going on about Osama bin Laden’s death, all I have to say is thank God for Saturday Night Live.

Here’s the SNL skit, spoofing bin Laden’s last will and testament.

I don’t care who you are, that’s funny right there.

Is it politically correct?  Of course not.  That’s what makes it funny.

What’s more, this blog is blatantly anti-political correctness.  You would know that if you’ve read my other posts.

Go ahead.  I’ll wait.

*Hums the Star Spangled Banner*

Finished?  Ok.

This SNL video absolutely had to be done, in order to restore the sanity of the American public after bin Laden’s death.  I don’t think I could have taken one more ‘was bin Laden’s killing legal‘ or ‘is it right to show  Osama’s death pictures‘ article.  Islamic militants have even made the news, claiming the United States didn’t give Osama bin Laden a proper Muslim burial.


Maybe the world (more specifically the media) has some crazy notion that pre-9/11, things at the bin Laden hideout went something like this:

bin Laden: Ok boys, we’re gonna do this by the book.  Now Anjem, you need to make sure you’re not uttering any racial slurs during the attack.  Screaming that you love Allah is ok, but try not to make anybody feel bad.  Also, let them know how sorry you are for doing this, and that you know how much their families will miss them.

Anjem: Awww…but Osama.  You know how much I like the racial slurs…

bin Laden: Shut up, Anjem.  We are not here to make enemies.  Jaleel!  Listen up!  Be sure to say a Christian prayer, Buddhist chant, and a Jewish minha right before the takeover.  And do the whole crossing-chest thing they do in their churches, so we don’t get accused of being unfair.

Jaleel: But Osama, I can’t do the crossing thing.  Allah will be very angry, and might not give me all my virgins.

bin Laden: Who is running this show, me or you Jaleel?  Allah will understand.  We must do this in the proper, politically correct fashion.  And even though you guys will be dead, rest assured that I will personally call president Bush when this is over, and ask if there is anything that I can do to help.  You know, with the cleaning of the rubble or the burying of their people.  Praise be to Allah, unless that offends anybody.  Anybody?

Why else would they put those jokers on the air?

Newsflash:  The world is afraid of Islam.

It’s more out of fear, than respect or fairness, which is why we’re expected to take the moral high road on this one.  Even president Obama, the leader of the most powerful country in the world, made it a point to say that we weren’t at war with Islam during his national address, the day bin Laden was killed.  Obama also made it clear that America wasn’t the antagonist.

Why don’t you just come out and say it, Mr. President?

Please don’t hurt us.

Obama phrased his address this way because he is afraid of the repercussions of killing the world’s worst terrorist.

Not that vengeance shouldn’t be taken in to account.  But did Obama really need to fall over so overtly in front of the entire country, after commanding our brave soldiers to commit such a noble act just hours earlier?

Take a break already!  Our boys (and girls) earned their moment in the sun.

Of course, president Obama’s official reason for taking a dive at the hands of Islam will be that most of the world’s Muslims are moderate.  Again, we are not at war with moderate Muslims, and he doesn’t want to offend them.  This overplayed rhetoric spills out of  liberal politicians any time Muslims are mentioned, and Obama is no exception.

Hey guys, here’s a revelation!  It’s the Muslim leadership who are the extremists.  And good, moderate followers will do what their leaders tell them.

At least I think that’s how the whole ‘leader-follower’ theory works.  Especially within a religion as strict as Islam.

I’m not just picking on Obama.  The rest of the first-world leaders seem to feel the exact same way.  Just take a look at what is going on across the pond.  Sharia law was implemented for civil court cases in London as far back as 2008.  I’m sure it’s just a matter of time until criminal law follows suit.  That is how Islam is designed–to peacefully get a foothold in the beginning, and then slowly take over the entire community its followers inhabit, using the community’s own sense of fairness and virtue against it.

It is ingenious, really.  And evil.  A master plan for a master race faith.

Seems like something similar happened back in the 1940s.  I can’t quite remember how we handled that.  Oh, World War II, that’s right…

In the end, the rest of the world’s religions aren’t to blame for the hateful, cruel, unjust ways of Sharia law, Islam, or their golden boy, Osama bin Laden.  So why should we pick up the slack?  America (or any other country) is not required to bury terrorists according to their faith, nor to handle bin Laden’s corpse with kid gloves, just because other terrorists will be upset if we don’t.

They’re terrorists.  They want to kill us and everyone and every thing we love.  The last thing we should be thinking about is whether or not we owe them some kind of polite courtesy.

Giving a bully your lunch money, and telling him what a nice guy he is, is a very temporary solution.

History has shown that when Islam conquers another group of people, it doesn’t usually matter whether the conquered group was submissive/remorseful about previous acts or not.  As staunch as the Muslim faith is, we unbelievers are condemned to inferiority and dhimmitude simply because we are not Muslims.  That is our crime, and as far as Islam is concerned, it is unforgivable.

A couple verses from the “peaceful” Koran should let you know just where you, as an infidel, stand with Muslims (thanks to thereligionofpeace.com for these excerpts):

O ye who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are near to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allah is with those who keep their duty.(9:123)

Or how about:

Shall we tell you of those who lose most in respect of their deeds?  Those whose efforts have been wasted in this life, while they thought that they were acquiring good by their works?  They are those who deny the Signs of their Lord and the fact of their having to meet Him (in the Hereafter): vain will be their works, nor shall We, on the Day of Judgment, give them any weight.  That is their reward, Hell, because they rejected Faith, and took My Signs and My Messengers by way of jest. (18:103-106)

As this last passage clearly states, it doesn’t matter whether you think you are accomplishing good deeds or not, if you don’t believe in Allah, you are nothing, and bound for hell.  It is painfully obvious that it will do us no good to try to appease Islam, whether or not we believe our prior actions to be wrong.  They simply don’t care.

The leaders of the free world and liberal society are attempting in vain to gain the trust and respect of Muslims, when according to their beliefs, as proven above, it just isn’t possible.

We are not going to apologize for making fun of Osama bin Laden.  He killed thousands of innocent Americans.  It’s literally the least we could do.

Unlike the politicians, most American people are not afraid, simply watchful and concerned.  As long as we have our military and Second Amendment rights, the citizens of this great nation will do just fine.

I would like to thank SNL for their damn-near masterpiece.  You kids did all right.

What a fine, comical end to such a waste of human skin.

Politically Correct Thinking Is Now A Confirmed Mental Illness: Part 2

Hey there boys-n-girls, I’ve got a joke for you.

What do you get when you cross a Mexican with an octopus?

“Uh…I dunno.  What?”

I don’t know either, but I bet it sure is good at picking lettuce.


So.  Are you offended?

Now take a look at this short video.

How about now?

I know the audio isn’t very good, so I’ll explain to you what’s going on here.

That video is a recording of democratic California congresswoman Loretta Sanchez being interviewed on a liberal radio show, talking about her experiences meeting members of the Tea Party.  She’s using a southern accent to represent, well, apparently all of them.

Here’s a transcript of what she said:

Sanchez: “Hey, what’s your name?”

Tea Party member: “My name is M-O-E.”

Sanchez: “Ok Moe. Moe-ster.  How you doing baby?  What are we going to do today?  What’s your interest?  What can we work on together?”

Tea Party member: “Well, it’s unconstitutional.”

Courtesy of Hillbilly Chic.

So not only are all Tea Party members southern, but I guess they’re stupid too, because all they can say, according to Sanchez, is that everything is unconstitutional.  If I were Sanchez, I’d bet they all have stills in their backyards and bring gallons of that “white lightnin” to every one of their get-togethers.

Out in the sticks, of course.  With a few banjos and some corn-cob pipes.

Now are you offended?

Well, according to society, no matter what has been said or done, if you’re a Caucasian, you shouldn’t be.

Let me rephrase that.  You’re not allowed to be.  You should just take it as a joke.

So let’s turn the tables for a minute.

What if, say, Mitt Romney had told that Mexican joke I mentioned above at a campaign function?

“Oh no he di-int!”

That’s right ladies and gentlemen, it would be ‘Hands Across America’.  Every Latino worth his salt would be out the next day, protesting at his state legislature.  And it would make national news.

Heck, ol’ Mitt would probably earn himself a visit from the ACLU.

But what about Sanchez?  What’s going on with that?

Since I’m guessing that this post is the first you’ve heard of the story, not much.

Hmmm.  Seems like I’ve mentioned this type of politically correct behavior before.

This is how political correctness tears society apart.  There’s one set of rules for one group, and another set for others.  With both sides being at odds all the time, somebody is going to feel neglected and put-upon when all is said and done.

Politically correct behavior is insane.  We’re like a bunch of little kids, getting mad at other kids for calling us names.  Like we’re five years old or something.

“Mooooom.  Jimmy called me a dog-faced booger eater.”

You know what my mom would have said? 

“Call him one back.”

I would have, and we would have left it at that.

America, we won’t make it as a nation divided.  It’s impossible.  So let’s put aside these petty differences and focus on the important things in life.  God, family, and country.

For God’s sake, whatever happened to the old “Sticks and Stones” mantra??

If you walk away from this post having learned nothing else, please take this saying to heart:

A house divided will not stand.”

I wonder who said that?

Islamophobia: The Video. The Truth.

I’m usually not one to write short posts, but I think this video says more than I ever could about how politically correct people in America view the religion of Islam.  Please be sure to watch the entire video, as it changes drastically at about the halfway mark, and that’s where the truth really starts to shine through.

Thanks to the folks over at Answering Muslims for turning me on to this video.

Note:  If you didn’t catch it, the “preacher” is preaching from the Qu’ran, but using the passages as if they were from the Bible.

Please let me know if you enjoyed this video.  Or even if you hated it.  Thanks in advance!

Politically Correct Thinking Is Now A Confirmed Mental Illness: Part 1

Political correctness.  It’s the bane of our society.  People who are politically correct are hyper sensitive about any topic that they encounter, whether it deserves that kind of attention or not.  As my grandma would say, they’re worried about something that “doesn’t amount to a hill of beans” when it comes right down to it.

Heck, I remember back in the day, when granny used to….

“C’mon Sonny Jim, step down off the soapbox and get to the point.”

Ah yes.  Political correctness.

I have a question for you, my fine reader.  Is it possible to be reverse politically correct?  Watch this video, and afterwards, I’ll explain what I mean.

After watching this video myself, I believe I’ve come up with a new phenomenon.  Since I discovered it, it’s only right that I should be the one to name it.  Thus, I christen my new discovery “reverse political correctness”.

As you may or may not know, the dark skinned fellow in the video, Bobby Ghosh, is the deputy international editor of Time magazine.  And he has committed the first act of reverse political correctness known to man.

Now, Bobby struck me as a regular politically correct person.  I think it’s a job requirement for employment with any modern media outlet these days.  Especially if you’re an international deputy editor.  Wow, what a title!

But ol’ Bobby Ghosh proved me wrong.  In case you missed it, Ghosh goes on record as saying (and I’m paraphrasing here) that burning a Qu’ran is much worse than burning a Bible, because clearly the Qu’ran is written by God, while the Bible is written by men.

Did you see it?  Right there.  Reverse political correctness!

This truly is a proud day for me.

I’ve already planned on how to spend the money I make from this discovery.  But that’s a post for another day…

Of course, I’m being facetious.  Reverse political correctness doesn’t really exist.  Sadly, double standards do exist, and not in favor of Christians.

When Terry Jones burned a Qu’ran back in March of this year, there was international outrage.  Heck, there are still protests being held and people being hurt in the Middle East to this day over the event.  The sad thing is that there seems to be more media coverage on the burning of an inanimate object than of the people actually being hurt by the protests.

Apparently it’s ok to say derogatory or ignorant things about Christians or the Bible.  And these comments don’t fall in the category of “not being politically correct”.  If they did the media would be in a frenzy over the above video, like they are when anyone says anything negative about any other religion/race/lifestyle/etc. that society deems a protected commodity.

Instead, this video had a lousy 2000 views last time I checked.  It barely even rated an obscure news article.

In the end, I’d have to say grandma was right.  As far as protecting peoples’ rights goes, political correctness hasn’t “amounted to a hill of beans.”

In fact, the protesters in Afghanistan burned more Qu’rans than Terry Jones ever thought of destroying.  In protest of burning a Qu’ran.

Figure that one out.